Bereishis 1:1 "Bereishis Bara Elokim Es Hashamayim V'Es HaAretz"
The the Lubavitcher Rebbe, poses the following question:
Why does the Torah start with a "Beis" [Breishis]? Wouldn't it make more sense for it to start with an "Aleph"?
In his introspective and profound manner the Rebba answers that the reason for why the Torah starts with the letter "beis" is because reading the Torah is the second thing that we are supposed to do. The first thing that we are supposed to do is reflect on the year past. We should internalize the Tishrei season that we just experienced and try to carry it with us into the coming year. Only once we have done that, can we restart the Torah by chanting the famous words, "Bereishis Bara Elokim Es Hashamayim V'Es HaAretz"
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